Affiliate & Partner API

An easy to use tee time search and booking service for GolfNow Affiliates & Partners.

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Before granting access to our golf technology resources, we would like to better understand what you are trying to accomplish so that we can help you achieve your goal (and our goal) of growing the game of golf.

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Tutorials & Examples

As developers, we know the best way for us to help you implement your solution is to describe some of the basic scenarios you might encounter and provide high quality examples.

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Distilled down to the most essential calls, the Affiliate & Partner API presents a simplified view of the objects and interactions necessary to distribute and sell tee times.

Standards Based

HTTP, REST, JSON (or XML) and OAUTH 2.0.

API Workbench

Make live calls to the Sandbox environment to see example requests, responses and potential HTTP response codes.

Status & Analytics

Get an up-to-date status of the API and stats on how your application is doing.

Partial Responses

Partial responses allow developers to control the amount of data returned by the API.


Use the Developer Center to manage your applications. With it, you can add / remove applications and provision developer accounts.